Wednesday, 6 January 2010

2010 is going to be BIG

Hi everyone,
Happy New year to you all.
Well, 2010 is certainly going to be a big year for me. As most of you know I have 3 ultra's planned for this year starting with the Marathon Des Sables (150 miles in 6 days through the Sahara) in April. I can't wait for this one.
My training is going pretty well. I've signed up to get advice and training plans from an online coach called Mad Dog. He is a massively experienced ultra runner and currently I am working on training plan which includes 3 runs and about 40 miles per week.
The past few weeks have been interrupted with the snow and some days it has been impossible to go out as its is just so icy. I mean I love running in the snow but icy paths in the dark = injury!
Today I went out for a 5 mile run in 6inch fresh snow and it was so tough, I wasn't expecting it to be so tough. I was supposed to do 12 miles of hill repeats but that will have to wait.
Some great news is that I am up to £5135 of sponsorship money now which is 26% of my target. Fantastic.
Until next time have fun.

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